I am the peace you have been longing for, I am the joy that fills your heart, I am the comforter that takes away all of your pain and sorrow, I am the everlasting laughter that brighten your every moment, I am the presence that fulfill your life with rest and silence, I am with you when you sleep, I am the eternal power that gives you strength for every trial you face, I am here to wipe away every hurt placed upon your heart and soul, I am here to listen to the struggles you face, and deal with as you travel life's journey, I am here to guide you though the valleys and shadows of death, I am here only for you, when others walk out on you and never return, I am here when no one returns your calls for help, I am here when all seems lost, and your world is turned upside down, and you are all alone. I am here when life seems to past you by, I am here to listen to you, hold, and support you in your time of need, I am here to heal you from every sickness and heal every hurt, I am here to forever and ever no matter what you are feeling or facing, I am all you will ever desire and seek to care about you, I am your lifeline and eternal security, I am the sincere and my power is everlasting to empower every emotion you will ever need to filled. I am the sunshine of your heart, I am the beauty of your mind, I am the only one who really knows how to care for and treat you, when you need it most, I am every dream you will ever desire, I am here to fill your soul with joy and happiness forever, I am here to complete you in spirit with power to give to all that is good, pleasant, and kind, I am here to heal your broken heart, I am the rose of your heart, it's your heart I want, all of it, is what I desire, I am here to give you my divine assurance that I will never let you down, I am with you, and you can always trust, and depend on me for everything you will ever need in this life, who Am I ? My name is Love, and I am here to just to love you. Will you trust me to Love you? by Author: Larry Spates.
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