Tuesday, March 26, 2019

YAHAWAH-RAUCH, our ADONAI, I welcome Your Presence and Holy Power, You are Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent, I magnify Your Majestic and Awesome name O Most High EL ELOHIYM, blessed be my Savior YAHAWAHSHI who's blood cleanse away my transgressions and sins, I thank You for another day of life, good health and physical strength, I pray for Isrealites, and gentiles who trust in You, cover our mothers, fathers, sons and daughters from all evil attacks today, fill us afresh with Thy Word, understanding, revelation knowledge, and increase our wisdom for Your Glory, I come in agreement with Your Covenant promises to never leave nor forsake us, to teach us by the rauch within us, and keep us safe from our enemies, in YAHAWAHSHI mighty name, I thank You, Amein, So be it.

Monday, March 25, 2019

YAHAWAH-RAUCH our ELOHIYM, we welcome Your Presence and Anointing Power among this morning, we give you all praise and glory, Halleluyah, Halleluyah, Halleluyah in the Highest be unto You, YAHAWAH we seek you O Most High for spiritual guidance and direction today, renew our minds from your Word, we ask your covering and protection over us, our children and all of the assembly of your elect and chosen people, we ask it in the mighty name of YAHAWAHSHI our Redeeming Savior, we come in agreement with these promises and covenant blessings, and thank You for them, Amein.