Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Seeking The Lost.

Unsaved man, woman, young adult and youth,
My prayer for you today is that you know without a question or doubt where you will spend eternity. Hell is a real place prepared for the devil and his angels. Jesus gave His life, His blood to save you. You don't have to go to an eternal burning hell, where is hell you may ask? It's at the end of your life, when you come to the end of your life death will take you somewhere, Heaven with Jesus and the FATHER, or will you spend eternity in Hell? People go to Church every Sunday but they don't believe Hell is real, There was a rich man in the Bible, he didn't believe in Hell either, he had everything, riches, wealth, money, the good life, he was selfish,vain, a know it all, what he thought was good turned out to be wicked in the eyes of GOD.  One day death stop by to visit the rich man, death took his breathe away, he died, and lifted up his eyes in burning flames, an eternal Hell fire. You still have time to receive Jesus right now, ask him to be Lord and Saviour of your life, and spend eternity with Him and GOD our FATHER in Heaven. FATHER I thank YOU for my Eternal Salvation with YOU and the Saviour Jesus Christ. I pray this lost soul confess their sins, ask for forgiveness, and ask you into their heart to be Lord of their life. In Jesus mighty name, Amen.

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